COVID-19 Virus Updates
This webpage is dedicated to keeping members of The Springs Church of Christ updated
on pertinent information during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak.
If you need assistance with shopping for groceries, trips to the pharmacy, etc., please use the button below to email Monema Stephens. She will find a volunteer in your area to help.
Give online if possible or mail your check to the office. (21477 N. Western Ave., Edmond,OK 73012)
Our weekly expenses, missions support, and benevolence are ongoing needs.
Don’t let any of our good works suffer during this time.
Most Recent Communication from Staff & Elders
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Dear Springs Family,
Good morning! The Springs leadership team met last night and together, after much discussion and prayer, decided that we will begin meeting at the worship center for Sunday worship service beginning this Sunday, May 17, 2020, at 10:30AM. We will continue to offer our online worship as usual. Our worship time will be shortened to 45 minutes. Adult bible class will be online only starting at 9:50AM on Sunday.
Please know that we understand a pandemic is more complicated and chaotic than a governor’s ruling and that people have very strong opinions on this. While as a society, we are not out of the woods yet, your leadership team believes that we can create an environment that is relatively safe to serve members needing physical gathering and continue to provide an online experience to serve those who aren’t comfortable or able to get out. Whether you choose to join in person or not is completely up to you, and we respect your choice. Please prayerfully consider whether you need to be present in person or not and consider your fellow members. As the Apostle Paul said, “that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (1 Cor. 12: 25-26)
We are implementing the following guidelines for your protection. Our safety team will be present to help as we adjust to these new safety precautions.
You can expect the following changes:
Notice of Attendance - Due to social distancing restrictions, we have lost a considerable amount of seating. Therefore, it is very important to let us know if you are planning to come to the worship center for worship this Sunday so we can prepare accordingly. Here is an easy link to help us plan. Will you join us on Sunday?
Entrance/Exit - Please follow new signage when entering and exiting the building as there will now be a specific entry and different exit. Please respect social distancing in these smaller areas.
Seating - To ensure spacing, please allow us to escort you to your seats. Please sit with a 3-chair buffer between you and your neighbor. Family units should sit together.
Communion - We will be offering communion, but ask that we adhere to social distancing around the table. You are also welcome to bring your own elements for your family unit.
Masks - Staff and volunteers will be wearing masks for your protection. If you would like to wear a mask we encourage that as well. Unfortunately, we will not have masks to hand out.
High Risk - Please continue following safer-at-home guidelines if you are over 65 or a part of a vulnerable population, or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 (shortness of breath, dry cough, temperature of over 100.4 within the last 24 hours).
Maintain social distancing protocols within the worship center - we must be handshake and hug-free for a time. Please reserve visiting with others to outdoor spaces as much as possible.
Cleaning - We will maintain an enhanced cleaning protocol for your protection.
In-person bible classes & coffee station will be suspended. Please throw any trash in receptacles before entering the building.
Exiting after Service – At the end of service we will exit in an orderly fashion to help everyone maintain distancing. Please be patient as we help everyone out of the worship center as quickly as possible.
In conclusion, we are still within a time of difficult choices, prayerful considerations, lots of listening to respected authorities, and a healthy dose of “wingin’ it”. We need your prayers for wisdom, your grace for our mistakes, and your encouragement for all our members that are navigating difficult times. We understand that the decision to meet at the worship center or to watch online is a decision each person and family must make. We respect your choice and hope you will give each other grace in our decisions. Please let us know if you are planning to come to the worship center for worship this Sunday, so we can prepare accordingly.
You are loved. You are a child of the King. And we cannot wait to see you again when the time is right.
The Springs Elders & Staff
The Springs Church of Christ
Kelly Osborne, Executive Minister
(405) 471-2964
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Dear Springs Family,
As we plan and prepare for the weeks ahead, we wanted to let you know that we are prayerfully considering our progression toward resuming our gatherings at The Springs worship center.
We believe that God’s Spirit will guide us when we ask. We are asking that you join us in praying for wisdom as we step into our new normal with hope and trust in God.
Going forward, we will follow these guidelines:
1.) While in Phase 1 of Oklahoma’s Open Up and Recover Safely Plan, we will continue with online services. We will have online services on Sunday, May 3 and Sunday, May 10.
2.) As we progress into Phase 2, leadership will consider gathering at the worship center for worship service while adhering to the safety recommendations. We are tentatively planning to meet at The Springs worship center for Sunday services on May 17, 2020 with the following safety precaution in place:
• Continue following safer-at-home guidelines if you are over 65 or part of a vulnerable population
• Maintain social distancing protocols within the worship center - we must be handshake and hug-free for a time
• Suspend use of coffee stations
• Suspend Bible classes (including children’s classes and nursery)
• Maintain enhanced disinfectant protocols
• If you feel sick, please stay at home. :)
As May 17, 2020 draws nearer, we will continue to take into account the current recommendations based on scientific modeling from public health experts to inform our decision as to when we will begin gathering again.
As always, we are here to answer questions and listen to your concerns. Please feel free to reach out to the elders and staff anytime. We encourage everyone to give each other grace in how we individually address our time of reunion. Some may not be ready to join us or may be fearful while others may want to move faster. We will continue to love and care for each other and our neighbors in the weeks ahead. May God lead us on!
The Springs Elders & Staff
Kelly Osborne
The Springs Church of Christ
Executive Minister
(405) 471-2964
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Dear Springs Family,
Good afternoon Springs Church Family! Please be advised that out of an abundance of caution and to be in compliance with the Emergency Declarations in Oklahoma City and Edmond, we are moving to a virtual church service only starting this week. Again, we have no indication of any Springs member who is positive for the coronavirus COVID-19 at this time.
We are encouraging all members of The Springs to join us at 10:30AM on the live stream this Sunday, March 22, 2020. The link to our live stream is here. If you need some help, please give us a call.
We will have worship as usual on our live stream including music, communion, and sermon. Please make preparation to have bread and juice available at home so we can all partake of communion "together". You can give online here, or even send your contribution check to the church (The Springs 21477 N Western Ave. Edmond, OK 73012).
We will continue to keep you updated regarding when we will begin to gather again at the building for worship. Check out the website for the latest updates here. However, we will refrain from gathering all of us together at least until the Emergency Declaration expires on April 12, 2020.
Let’s establish new rhythms as we journey through these days of social distancing. More than ever, please check in on each other and on your neighbors. I challenge each of you to call/text/video chat with someone who is alone today.
Also, I want us to begin to plan ways that we can help those who will be struggling financially in the weeks to come. Let’s be ready to open our hands to each other to share and care for each other. Join me in praying that God’s Spirit will open our eyes and ears to the needs around us and give us the courage to respond in love. What we believe is demonstrated in how we act during times like these.
Again, please be mindful of each other daily. This disruption is hard for many of our members. Please stay connected through calling and texting. We need each other.
As always, feel free to call/text/email if you need anything. We have lots of people ready to help as needs arise. We love you all dearly.
The Springs Elders and Staff
office: (405)285-7524
Kelly's cell: (405)471-2964
Acts 4:32-35 (ESV)
32 Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. 33 And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. 34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold 35 and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
Philippians 4:6 (ESV)
6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Dear Springs Family,
Your staff and elders are paying close attention daily and are in ongoing communication to monitor the evolving situation regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) in our area. We are not planning at this point to cancel Sunday services. We pray this season passes quickly.
We want to reassure you that we are being careful to thoroughly clean our worship center. We are taking precautions to minimize exposure.
Some things we encourage you to do:
Refrain from handshakes and hugs. We can make holy fist bumps a thing for a time.
If you are ill with anything, or are in a high-risk category with underlying health conditions that compromise your immune system, please stay home and watch the livestream at
Take the time to check on our seniors who stay home.
Give online if possible. Our weekly expenses, missions support, and benevolence are ongoing needs. Don’t let any of our good works suffer due to danger of being in a full worship service setting.
Greeters will hold the doors for you when possible, please be conscious of all you are touching, and wash your hands!
Each of us will need to make decisions weekly based on best information possible.
Get info about Coronavirus (COVID-19) from reliable sources such as the CDC:
Another good source for information – World Health Organization:
We don’t want to give way to a spirit of fear or timidity but will continue to stay alert and proceed with caution as the weeks unfold. We want to be mindful of each other during this time. It is easy to feel alone, so let’s check in with each other regularly.
Please join the elders and staff in praying for any who are suffering. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We love you all.
The Springs Elders and Staff